Dear Authors and Reviewers,

Our goal is to make our submission guidelines and policy author/reviewer-friendly and user-friendly as possible. Below, you will find all the necessary information for submitting/reviewing your paper to JEMI.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Manuscripts with the required documents (Title page, Paper template, and Declaration by authors) should be submitted via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(our Manuscript Center is under reconstruction)

By submitting a manuscript, you are acknowledging that it contains original and unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation will undergo a double-blind peer review to independently assess their quality and relevance to JEMI standards.


The process for submitting manuscripts is OPEN all year long.




Please find attached below a title page, paper template, an example of a reference list, a declaration by authors, and the review forms (general and statistical) with the review criteria to gain more knowledge on how we review the papers:

Requirements for the Submission of manuscripts with all necessary templates and documents are listed below.


Manuscripts should be written entirely in English and adjusted to the PAPER TEMPLATE. Enhancing the structure and content guidelines for research papers (which can be quantitative or qualitative) within the realm of entrepreneurship, management, or innovation can significantly elevate the quality and impact of the manuscripts submitted for review. The proposed structure aims to provide a more detailed and nuanced framework for authors, ensuring that each section of the manuscript meets the highest standards of academic rigor and contributes to the advancement of knowledge within the field. Below, the general description of each section is outlined, emphasizing the importance of clarity, depth, and scholarly integrity.

  • Title

    The title should succinctly encapsulate the essence of the research while remaining engaging and informative. It must strike a balance between brevity and descriptiveness, providing a clear indication of the study's focus and scope.


    The abstract should offer a comprehensive summary of the paper, including the purpose, methodology, findings, implications for theory and practice, and originality/value. It should be between 250-350 words. Additionally, 5-10 keywords that reflect the core themes and concepts of the paper must be included to facilitate indexing and retrieval.

    • Purpose: Clearly articulate the research's objectives and rationale.
    • Methodology: Describe the research design, sample, and data analysis techniques succinctly.
    • Findings: Summarize the main results.
    • Implications for theory and practice: Briefly discuss the implications for theory and practice.
    • Originality/Value: Highlight the unique contribution of the study to the literature.


    The introduction should establish the context of the research, demonstrating its relevance and importance. It should clearly state the research aim, questions, and identify gaps in the existing literature. The introduction must also define key terms and outline the manuscript's structure and objectives.

    • Ensure the rationale for the study is compelling and clearly linked to identified gaps.
    • Review pertinent literature to justify the research focus.
    • Clearly articulate the research aim and questions.
    • Outline the manuscript's structure.

    Literature Review

    This section must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the relevant literature, incorporating up-to-date sources and seminal works. It should reflect the author's engagement with and critique of existing research, and culminate in the development of hypotheses.

    • Critically evaluate and synthesize the literature to establish the study's foundation.
    • Present a balanced view of previous research, indicating both agreement and dissent.
    • Clearly articulate the research hypotheses.


    This section should detail the research design, sample selection, data collection, and analysis methods with precision, allowing for replication. It must justify the methodological choices and describe the procedures followed during the study.

    • Assess the appropriateness of the sample and describe the sampling strategy.
    • Detail data collection methods and instruments, ensuring they are adequately described.
    • Explain the analytical techniques used, ensuring they align with the research questions and design.

    Results (Results and Discussion sections can be combined)

    The results should be presented in a clear, logical manner, using tables and figures effectively. The presentation must be neutral, allowing data to speak for itself.

    • Ensure results are presented in alignment with the research questions or hypotheses.
    • Discuss how tables and figures support the findings.
    • Maintain an unbiased tone throughout the presentation of results.


    This section should interpret the findings in the context of the research questions or hypotheses, the literature review, and the study's objectives. It should outline the implications of the findings for theory and practice.

    • Provide a comprehensive analysis of how the findings relate to the original research questions and hypotheses.
    • Compare and contrast the study's outcomes with those of previous research, highlighting both concordances and discrepancies.
    • Offer theoretical and practical implications of the research findings, supported by the literature.


    Conclusions should succinctly summarize the key findings and their relevance to the research questions and hypotheses. This section should also outline the study's limitations, implications for practice, and suggest directions for future research.

    • Ensure conclusions are directly tied to the research objectives and questions.
    • Discuss the broader implications of the findings for both theory and practice.
    • Clearly outline potential avenues for further research and acknowledge limitations.

    Additional Sections

    • Acknowledgments: Acknowledge any support received during the research.
    • References: Ensure all citations are accurately presented in APA Style 6th edition, including DOIs, for ease of access to cited works.
    • Biographical Notes: Provide a brief professional biography of each author.
    • Author Contributions: Detail the specific contributions of each author to the manuscript (see the Declaration by authors).
    • Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest (see the Declaration by authors).
    • Citation: Provide a recommended citation for the manuscript to facilitate proper referencing (will be added by the Editors).

Manuscripts will not be reviewed or sent to any other publication during the period of review.

Manuscripts report the elaboration of theory or empirical results that have not been published previously.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word, Times New Roman 12pt. font without columns, single-spaced. It should typically be no less than 8,000 words up to 12,000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references).

Manuscripts should be submitted in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide (APA) 6th edition. Guidelines for citation can be found above. All the references must have a DOI number. Use the free DOI lookup here: Put them in the format as follows (e.g.,

We welcome all empirical methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field work, meta-analysis, and the combination of methods or mixed methods.

Manuscripts should include the title, author’s name, and surname on the first page only (use the TITLE PAGE template) for blind review purposes. Do not write the name, surname, and author’s note in the rest of the paper. ORCID ID and account number are required at If author(s) could provide their ORCID number, this would allow linking the paper with their ORCID profile, and ultimately get higher visibility for the journal and authors. Biographical notes are also required (included in the TITLE PAGE).

Figures and tables should be delivered in the text and should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Figure 2).

JEL codes are required:

Authors are required to submit a DECLARATION BY AUTHORS. Authors are required to present the Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors or Potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors with the explanation.

Before submitting a manuscript, each author should read the EASE Guidelines for Authors of Scientific Articles to be Published in English.


Reviewing procedure

To ensure a thorough evaluation of each submitted publication, JEMI appoints at least two independent reviewers through a double-blind peer review process in which the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. The reviewers provide written feedback on the manuscript, ultimately leading to an unequivocal conclusion as to whether the article is accepted for publication, needs a revision (major or minor), or is rejected based on merit, reviewers' and editors' comments.

Upon receipt of the manuscript, the editors acknowledge the safe receipt of the manuscript and inform the authors about the desk rejection (within one to two weeks) or the submission of the manuscript for double-blind peer review. After the initial assessment, the manuscript is sent for review, which takes approximately 6-12 weeks (the availability of the reviewers is a determining factor).

The reviewers receive the manuscript in PDF format, with the metadata removed, and use review forms available on the JEMI website. According to the paper template, each manuscript should include an abstract, a prominent introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.

After receiving two or three anonymous reviews, the authors are asked to revise the manuscript within the set time, usually 4 weeks, and provide detailed responses to each reviewer regarding what was revised and how. The changes are marked in a different color.

The reviewers/editors evaluate the revisions made by the authors and decide whether they are at an acceptable level. If not, a second round of revisions follows.

After the final round of reviews, the substantive version of the manuscript is accepted by the editors, with the understanding that the JEMI editors may provide additional formal comments to the final version of the manuscript.


Ghostwriting and guest authorship

It's essential for scientific publications to be built on a foundation of reliability. As readers, we should be confident that the authors are transparent, honest, and present their work in a reliable manner. This holds true whether they are the direct authors or if they had the support of a specialized entity, whether it be a natural or legal person. The authors' ethical behavior and editorial standards should be evident in the information provided about the subjects that contributed to the publication, including their merit, material, financial, and other contributions. It's a reflection of not only decency but also social responsibility.

It's important to expose cases of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship." "Ghostwriting" happens when someone makes a significant contribution to the publication but their role is not revealed, either as one of the authors or in the acknowledgments included in the article. "Guest authorship" or "honorary authorship" occurs when the author's contribution is negligible, or when the contribution never occurred, yet they are still listed as the author/co-author of the publication. Any discovered cases should be exposed, and the relevant entities (such as institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, and associations of scientific editors) should be informed.

To prevent "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship," editors require authors to submit a signed declaration on this matter.


IMPORTANT NOTES - Copyright and Open Access License

JEMI is an open-access journal published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY.

The Author, by publishing the Work in JEMI, grants a CC-BY license, which allows for the copying, changing, distribution, showing and performing of the Work, with the retention of the copyright to the Work.

The license may change, distribute, show or perform the Work only under the condition that attribution is given by indicating the first and last name (or pseudonym) of the author, the title of the Work, the source of the Work, and the type of license.

More information on the CC-BY license is available at:

Published version and Accepted version - post-print are allowed to be open-access in several depositories (e.g., Academic social network, Any repository, Any website, Author’s homepage, Funder designated location, Institutional repository, Institutional website, Non-commercial institutional repository, Non-commercial repository, Non-commercial social network, Non-commercial subject repository, Non-commercial website, Subject repository, Journal website, Named academic social network, Named repository).

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Privacy statement and ethics

Information duty on GDPR: The new European Data Protection Regulation is applicable as of May 25th 2018. The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – GDPR. The administrator of your personal data is the "Cognitione" Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Science. The Foundation is a legal entity certified by the National Court Register number: 587704, issued on 25 November 2015 by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

Privacy Policy: The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

At JEMI, we adhere to the digital archiving policy and deposit policy directory of the National Library of Poland. It is important for all potential contributors to the Journal, reviewers, and readers to follow the academic ethics policy to ensure trustworthy academic writing.

To maintain publication standards, editors and reviewers follow the guidelines explicitly highlighted by COPE We have a strict policy on plagiarism and check for any issues using two methods: a plagiarism prevention tool (Similarity Check, Turnitin) and a review check. All submissions that were accepted for the Under review status are screened through Similarity Check, Turnitin before being sent to reviewers.

Just like in other journals, the Editorial Board at JEMI follows rules on academic writing and academic ethics as outlined by M. Roig (2003; 2006) in "Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing," which is available online at

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in manuscript preparation: Authors are required to disclose the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools or technologies in the preparation of their manuscript. This disclosure ensures transparency and proper attribution of any contributions made by AI tools. The use of AI tools does not exempt authors from their responsibility for the originality, accuracy, and ethical compliance of the content. Authors are solely accountable for the integrity of the manuscript, including ensuring that it meets the journal’s ethical standards and does not contain plagiarized or fabricated content. AI tools should not be listed as co-authors. Authorship attribution is reserved for individuals who have made substantial intellectual contributions to the research as defined by the journal's authorship criteria. Authors must use AI tools ethically and in a manner that does not violate copyright, data privacy, or other applicable legal and ethical standards. For example, the use of AI to summarize or paraphrase copyrighted materials without proper citation is prohibited. Authors must verify the accuracy and validity of any outputs generated by AI tools to ensure that they meet the highest standards of academic integrity. AI-generated content should be critically evaluated and, where appropriate, supported with independent evidence or reasoning. Failure to disclose the use of AI tools or the unethical application of such technologies may result in the rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the article post-publication, in accordance with the journal’s ethical policies.